Friday, December 31, 2010

I've got a fun post coming up in the next few days about Christmas Clearance shopping (how to score the best deals, and looking past Christmas to find uses for this stuff all year or for other holidays!)...but that's taking a bit to organize so in the mean time I wanted to post a fun bento picture. 

My mom got me a lot of new bento stuff for Christmas this year including these fantastic hard boiled egg molds.  They're super easy to use.  i love all things cute so these really appeal to me, but I also think this would be a fantastic way to get kids to eat healthier.  i don't know a single kid who wouldn't be more likely to eat healthy food if it was packaged fun and cute!

I was also super excited to use the adorable Hello Kitty bento I got.  It's a little small, about 5 inches by 4 inches, but I was surprised that it was the perfect size for lunch.  You can really fit a lot in a small space.

These are great for me because they really give you a variety of food (and thus nutrition!)  Plus this only took about 5 minutes to put together - so simple!


  1. That's so awesome! Do you just crack the egg into the mold? Man that looks delicious!

  2. You actually hard boil the egg and then peel it while its still hot and then put them in the mold til they cool. It was so easy!
