Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chocolate As A Healthy Snack

I like being healthy. I really do.  In my imaginary world I only eat health food…in the real world that’s not completely true.  Life happens and we make the best decisions for our bodies that we can based on the options available to us.

In my dream world I also have no sweet tooth, but in the real world…I cant even pretend that’s true.  I love sweets.  However sugar also tends to make me feel awful physically and over the last few years I’ve learned what I can enjoy and what makes me feel sick.  

So on that note I had to share a delicious sweet treat that’s also incredibly healthful!  My wonderful mom picked these up at Trader Joes for me the other day as a treat and they’re too good not to share.

These dry roasted edamame are coated in heart healthy dark chocolate and have 5 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein per serving.  I love dark chocolate and the roasted edamame isn't sweet which keeps these from being overly sweet.  Plus the protein and fiber helps keep me satisfied so I don't want to eat the whole container.


  1. Okay girl what is Edamame? A bean a nut? I hear about it all the time on the WW boards, but I have yet to try it because I'm not sure wth it is lol! What does it taste like?

  2. It comes fresh, frozen or dried (these chocolate ones are dried and roasted similar to a nut or something).

    If you get them fresh you have to boil/steam them. They're delicious with salt or in salads. Kinda nutty flavor.

    I love them!

    The dried roasted kind taste totally different than the fresh so if you like or don't like one you may or may not like the other.

  3. Ok I will have to try them out I hear people talk about eating them all the time I just wasn't sure If I wanted to jump on that particular band wagon lol!
