Saturday, April 9, 2011

The 17 Day Diet

Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures.

Yesterday I started day one of  The 17 Day Diet.  I'm not usually one for so called "fad diets", but the logic behind this makes a lot of sense.  The first 17 days are fairly restrictive in terms of carbs, but its all about detoxing which is great if you're carb sensitive like me.  It also specifies when to eat certain carbs which I'd never given much thought to but is pretty interesting in terms of metabolism and digestion and the way our body processes carbs and sugars. 

I'm only on day 2 but so far so good so we'll see.

And in honor of being completely honest with myself, here are my before photos.  Extra motivation to keep me sticking to my new eating plan in hopes of having after photos to compare them with.  I'm not happy with the way I look right now or the 20 something pounds I've let myself gain the last few months but the past is the past and all I can do is try to keep moving forward. 

Current Weight: 194.75 lbs (ouch thats bad)
Goal Weight: 160

Time to lose weight: 3 1/2 months (before my wedding!)

1 comment:

  1. i read about that 17 day diet, and certain fitness magazines (i think it was SELF?) are supporting it. but after reading your other post about how it failed you and was too restrictive, i think i'll stay with sloooowwwwwwwwwwwasss WW lol.
