Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas Goodies & Shopping Tips

First let me start off by proclaiming my love of Paperchase.

I'm particularly fond of what I call their "cute food" products.  They have a line of stuff with all kinds of happy vegetables and cupcakes all over many assorted products and I find them irresistible.  I have a large all purpose bag I use for school, and a double decker pencil case both in this pattern:

The Holidays are my favorite time of the year.  You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who gets more gleeful about Christmas (I give everyone a daily countdown once we're a good 6 weeks - 2 months away).  i love everything about the Holidays, so when I saw these little goodies at Borders I had to snatch them up.  Paperchase makes some of the most adorable gift items I've ever seen.

My finds today almost fall into the same cute food category (though there are ornaments and presents and trees with cute faces too).  I personally think cute things make life better, and more fun.

First this mug, which I got with a 33% off coupon for 5.82  It is absolutely precious and the perfect size for hot cocoa.  I tend to have tons of different size bowls, plates, coffee cups, etc..  This is because the bigger the plate or cup the more food/drink you'll want.  Having the right shape or size makes every drink, snack or meal more satisfying.

This next goodie is actually a pencil case.  My mom bought it for me as an early Christmas present for around 5 dollars (she had a coupon as well).  I just loved the adorable faces and the festive, happy designs.  Am I going to use this as a pencil case?  No, actually its already in my purse with all the small random stuff that floats around the bottom (pens, pills, hand sanitizer, band aids, etc..)  Its lightweight, sturdy, has a zipper and a Velcro pocket on the front and back and was a steal!  I definitively recommend thinking outside the box occasionally.  I often use things for something besides what they're marketed as (and usually times getting a cuter item like this, and they are almost always cheaper).

View from the front.  It has a cute Velcro flap pocket on the front too.

View from the side so you can see the width and the adorable penguin zipper pull.

So tips for today:

  • Always shop with a coupon, almost every store sends out e-mail coupons in mails or circulars as long as you can wait a day or two
  • Don't be afraid to buy things in multiple transactions - the same stores who send these coupons out often only allow one per transaction so I often buy several things over a week period so I can use a coupon every time, or have my mom buy one for me (Kohls, Michaels, Jo-Anns, Cost Plus World Market, etc... all have similar coupon policies).  This may not be ideal for everyone but if you have the time and inclination, or really need to, you can save a ton of money this way
  • Shop in every department - you'd be surprised what items are truly multi purpose
  • Treat yourself - as much as I bargain shop, occasionally when you just fall in love with something that you know will bring you joy - its worth every penny


  1. omg those are so cute!!! i've never seen "paperchase" items. you got these at borders? i'm soo going lol

  2. Yeah I did some research after I got my bag and I believe Paperchase is an English company but they sell tons of their stuff at Borders. They have the cutest stuff!
