Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back to Basics: Day One

So today is Day One of my re-commitment to myself and my health and weight loss journey and its starting great.  I went for a 2 mile walk/run in the rain!  Now this may not sound that big to some people but if you live in So. Cal you’re not really used to weather so whenever the weather isn’t perfect I tend to skip outside exercise but today I made myself go even though it looked like rain.  About 1/3 of the way through it actually started to rain but instead of turning back home I finished my entire planned 2 miles and it felt great!

Feeling Good!

Now the second picture I made my mom take so I could accurately see what my body looks like after I let my eating habits and emotional eating get the best of me.  I have no idea why I have such a weird look on my face though! lol

And the not so good part....the weigh in.  About 3 1/2 weeks ago I was down to 173.5 and todays weigh in puts me at 182.5...thats right up 9 pounds (but to be honest it feels like even more!)  I'm trying not to get down but see it as a challenge.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to Basics: Musings on Falling Off Track

I’ve been incredibly stressed lately.  Things with my family, I’m starting my last (difficult) semester of college with the prospect of graduating and moving away from my mom for the first time because I’m getting married in August (did I mention I’m planning a very budget wedding by myself), and I’m turning 25 in a few months.  Everything is going great for me but there are so many big changes coming and so much to do and think about the next 6 months I’ve felt stressed and overwhelmed.

It started a few weeks ago with a few extra snacks at night and then the next day “I just needed a break”  I lost almost 140 pounds a few years ago so I figured a few days off and I could get back on track in no time….WRONG.  I was in a bad food place for about two weeks (still partially am).  The combination of stress and just being tired of watching everything I eat to maintain my weight got to me and instead of going a little off for the first time in my life it’s been weeks of an eating free for all.  I’ve gained 11 pounds and boy can I feel it.  All my pants are so tight and I feel awful.  All week I’ve been saying the next day was a new day and each day I’ve given in.  It’s been made hard by my mom, who suffers from binge eating disorder, but I am an adult and my food choices are my own.

I’ve realized that in my stress I’ve allowed myself to feel like a victim – upset by how hard I work to maintain my weight loss and upset my constant food and weight struggle and by feeling like a victim I’ve allowed food to feel like my savior when in fact it’s been my downfall.

So I went to the grocery store and stocked up on lots of fruit and some vegetables and stuff for roll-ups, sandwiches, some healthy snacks and some individual portions.  It may not be easy and it may not always feel fair but its my body and my health and instead of fighting how hard it is I’m going to workcongratulating myself on my commitment (if I can get it back).

So I’m going to try something new…Back to Basics.  Like when I first started losing weight I’m going to think of it as a challenge and get excited about ways to cook the healthiest so I can eat the most and be on the hunt for healthful and low calorie snacks.  The only thing holding me back is me.

Part of me doesn't like to share my failings and flaws with other people...but being honest with others is the first step to being honest with myself.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Further Adventures in Juicing

So yesterday we got out the new juicer - The Jack Lalanne Juicer Express.  It is a wonder.  Twice the juice from the same amount of fruit and vegetables without the thick pulp.  It is quiet and works perfectly.  i am in love!

So we got set juicing...

We juiced one orange, one large cucumber, about 4 carrots and two large apples.

A gorgeous glass full of juice!

I could definitely feel increased energy yesterday and was excited to try again today.

Today's juicing consisted of one large cucumber, 4 carrots, 2 fuji apples and 2 oranges.  It was amazing.  You could taste hints of carrot and cucumber but the apple sweetened it up and the orange gave it some tang.

Enjoying every sip!

I'm still working on a cost comparison for buying juice vs. juicing although already I can tell you that taste wise there is NO comparison this fresh stuff is so much better!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Product Review and Giveaway - Atheno's Greek Yogurt

I'm a huge fan of Greek Yogurt.  It's rich, creamy and full of protein.  I'll be the first to say though that some brands are far better than others.

I was recently able to try the new Greek Yogurt put out by Athenos.

I have to say, it is delicious!  The great thing about Atheno's Greek Yogurt is that the fruit comes on the side so you add as much or as little as you want!  I tried the Strawberry and thought it was delicious.  A little tangy with just the right amount of sweetness from the jam and a great punch of protein.

Now for the giveaway...I have one coupon for a FREE Athenos' Greek yogurt.  So whether you love Greek yogurt and just want some more or have always wanted to try it here is your chance.

Just comment here and let me know your favorite way to eat Greek yogurt.  You must leave a valid e-mail so I can contact you should you win.  Contest ends January 26th at 9pm EST.  Good luck!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adventures in Juicing

After a few weeks of not so great eating,  my mom and I finally decided to try something we're always talking about doing - Juicing!

We got ourselves all prepared with lots of veggies and some fruit.

Once we had everything out, we started!  You definitely have to use A LOT of fruits and vegetables compared to the amount of juice you get.

Here's the first batch of juice which contained celery, apple, cucumber, spinach, carrots and pears.

Unfortunately you can see here it wasnt a huge hit.  The celery was VERY over powering and made it quite grainy.  I did drink half of though because I know how healthy it is.  It did taste fresh, just not a great flavor.

So we tried again,this time with carrots, apples and spinach.  It was a little thick but much more delicious and so refreshing and healthy!  You can barely even taste the spinach.   I'm definitely looking forward to some more flavor experiementation.

Monday, January 17, 2011

There is nothing better than a grocery belt full of goodies!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Product Spotlight: To Go Ware

So its been a bit since my last post.  Planning my wedding has been taking up tons of my time though but I promise to try and make more regular posts!

Today I wanted to spotlight a new brand/company I recently discovered.

To Go Ware  is a great company that features products which are BPA free, safe and non-leaching and phthalate free.  These products are great because they promote sustainability, are non-toxic and are so cute!

I just picked up this fantastic Tiffin Box for myself yesterday.  (And I got it at TJ Maxx for only 7.99 and amazing steal for this type of product!) The great thing about this one is the small container for yogurt or dressing.  It's a bit large but that makes it great for sharing or for packing a great salad in the bottom with some fruit or protein on the top.  It's fun and functional!

With products like these, packing your own lunch (to save money and calories) was never easier!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Making Food Beautiful and a Winner

When we're starving (or just don't feel like doing anything) it is so much easier to eat nuts out of the bag or yogurt straight out of the container.  However there is something to be said for eating or drinking something from special china.

Take this for example.  A simple low sugar yogurt with some slivered almonds and dehydrated strawberries mixed in, served in a very inexpensive $2 Parfait glass but it felt so decadent!  so next time you're having a snack, go ahead and indulge yourself you'll feel like a million bucks (and come on we all love feeling that way)


And now for the winner of the CSN Stores $20 Giveaway......SUSAN!  Congratulations Susan, I've sent you an e-mail with everything you need.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Shopping to Last All Year

Regardless of how you feel about holidays - the sales afterward are undeniably fantastic.  However there are only so many Christmas tree shaped candy dishes and boxes of ornaments...and that's when thinking outside of the box comes in.  If you want to make the most of you post Holiday shopping just take a little time to think about what you might need for the rest of the year (birthday parties, valentines day, st. patricks day, dinner parties, heck even easter!).

I've been shopping like mad the last few days and have found tons of stuff for Christmas and beyond!

I went to Crate and Barrel a few days ago and instantly fell in love with everything in the store.  Take for example these stylish and bold appetizer plates.  They're in with Christmas but this bold red adds a splash to any party and with Valentine's Day coming up you're guaranteed at least one use!

Or these packages of hot chocolate shavings.  If you read the ingredients all that is in it is very high quality shaved dark chocolate.  Perfect for any baking, a fancy dinner party (or even a cup of hot cocoa like I had tonight sprinkled on top of whipped cream).  Aside from the Christmas tin, there was nothing Christmasy about these chocolates!  

Then the last two days were made out of mad dashed to SIX Targets.  Luckily I love bargain shopping, but you needn't go to that many to find tons of great stuff.

Here is a gorgeous serving set, with absolutely no Christmas markings on them whatsoever.  In fact, I plan on using these for my upcoming wedding in August!  And they were a steal.  7.50 for the two tiered platter and 6.25 for the trays.  These could also easily be used for any kind of party, not just Christmas or a wedding.

I also got a great bright green tinsel wreath which I plan to use for St. Patrick's Day.  Just add a few Shamrock picks from the Craft Store and you've got a totally unique St. Patrick's Day Wreath.

So what are my top After Christmas Shopping Tips? -
  • Shop as early as possible.  While the sales do get better as time goes on, that item you loved just may not be there if you wait for it to go 75% or 90% so make the decision about whether its something you must have or not.
  • Check the packages...a lot of Christmas candy that's marked down isnt even in Christmas packing and could easily be used for Thank you Gifts, Valentine's Day or just a special treat.
  • The same goes for the wrapping section...more and more stores are coming out with bows, wrapping paper and tissue paper in bold colors and not all of it has Christmas symbols.  I got tons of bright colored bows and tissue paper (in plain solid colors)...enough to last all year long!
  • Don't be afraid to check more than one store, if you have the time.  We hit up several Targets when they went 75% off and each store had a totally different selection of items so if you've got the time and inclination but dont see what you want at the first store try another!
  • Don't buy anything you don't love.  While its exciting shopping at such great bargains, it doesn't matter that gift bags are only .25 cents if you buy twenty and you don't need any.  Always buy things you know you'll use.
  • If you've got kids you can't do better than the clearance spots at Target.  There is so much to be found in the Stocking Stuffer and Dollar Spot area that can be used for birthday goodie bags, Easter baskets, or even saved for Stockings next year.  A lot of the adorable toys in those areas aren't even Christmas themed.
  • If you have room, don't be afraid to stock up for next year.  For example I saw the cutest little packets of hot cocoa in different Christmas packages that didn't expire until 2013 and would absolutely still be good to give next year as little favors or in goodie bags!