Sunday, January 23, 2011

Further Adventures in Juicing

So yesterday we got out the new juicer - The Jack Lalanne Juicer Express.  It is a wonder.  Twice the juice from the same amount of fruit and vegetables without the thick pulp.  It is quiet and works perfectly.  i am in love!

So we got set juicing...

We juiced one orange, one large cucumber, about 4 carrots and two large apples.

A gorgeous glass full of juice!

I could definitely feel increased energy yesterday and was excited to try again today.

Today's juicing consisted of one large cucumber, 4 carrots, 2 fuji apples and 2 oranges.  It was amazing.  You could taste hints of carrot and cucumber but the apple sweetened it up and the orange gave it some tang.

Enjoying every sip!

I'm still working on a cost comparison for buying juice vs. juicing although already I can tell you that taste wise there is NO comparison this fresh stuff is so much better!


  1. thats the one the man has. this is my favorite juice he makes: put a bunch of Fugi apples, maybe 10 or so, and 2 lemons. that's it. no sugar, nothing else, and it makes an awesome lemonade!!! :) he also makes a carrot and apple juice, but i don't like carrots all that much.

  2. I've been making my fiance fuji apple juice and he loves it. It is so refreshing and light!
