Monday, April 11, 2011

17 Day Diet FAIL

I am here to admit it.  1 1/2 days in The 17 Day Diet and I failed...or something like it.

The reason was not because of my will power but because the diet wasnt for me.  I dont usually fall for fad diets so I wanted to believe this wasnt one.  I wanted to lose weight quickly and got caught up.  But what I realized after trying to follow the diet and wanting to eat my own arm was that the diet isnt magic.  What its doing after adding up calories is putting you on a diet of less than 1000 calories.  I was starving and rebelled by eating half a cake the next day.  Thats on me of course, but the reality is those types of diets dont work.

So here I am, humbly returning to my normal way or healthful eating and admitting that the slow and steady way is the right way.


  1. lol well glad you could admit that. Ive tried stuff like that. Even programs like Jenny Craig have failed me. I feel like I think of eating less when I am not constantly thinking about food and calories. Plus Jenny Craig meals are tiny! So I was either tempted to eat more than one or be starving and gorge myself on the next meal. I hate fad diets. I really don't believe there is a magic diet out there. Your right in sticking to healthful eating. That really is the only way to go.

  2. Its true. The less I'm supposed to eat the more I think about food. lol
