Saturday, October 23, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar & Raw Honey: Natures Miracles

Apple Cider Vinegar and Raw Honey....what do they have in common?  They're the only two natural substances in which bacteria can't grow in.  

After reading more about the benefits of apple cider vinegar (and strong endorsement from my grandpa whose been drinking it for years) I started drinking it.  I try to drink 1 TBS of apple cider vinegar with 1 TSP of raw honey every day.  Most people tend to find it more palatable with a little more honey or mixed in a cup of water and sipped all day.  

Just google apple cider vinegar cures and you’ll get slews of websites and testimonies.  None of them have been verified by clinical studies, but that’s more likely to do with the lack of funding for holistic and natural cures (because drug companies cannot profit off things like this).

As for the honey….I’ve been eating raw honey every single day for a very long time. 

Raw honey contains 27 minerals, 22 amino acids and 5,000 live enzymes. It keeps you healthy by fighting disease and boosting the digestive system. One daily spoonful in your tea or spread on your toast is all that is needed to reap these benefits.  (

It’s also a great source of quick energy.  I carry honey sticks with me all the time and when my energy is dragging I pop one open.  Just one little teaspoon of honey and I’ve got a burst of all natural energy!

So give it a try!  Some vinegar with honey if you’re feeling brave, or just start off with a bit of raw honey and I bet you’ll be hooked in no time!


  1. I knew honey was supposed to be good for you, but I have never bought raw honey before!! I will def. be checking into this for sure!! I could use any form of all natural energy bursts I'm always so tired and worn out, but I refuse to take any type of energy pill!

  2. Raw honey is amazing. It's got almost 20 more enzymes than commercially processed honey and once you've had raw you'll never go back.

    I eat anywhere from 1-2 tsps a day and it really seems like more since its so sweet. Hope you like it!

  3. I plan on going to the store to buy some this weekend. I have been sick all week drinking tea with honey, but mine isn't the raw kind, so I will have to switch over.
