Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So what better to start this blog off with than a bit about me.

I love food; I like to eat and I like to cook and I'm one of those crazy people who loves grocery shopping.  So this blog will combine a little bit of all that because I'm working on improving my cooking skills, trying new things and posting some sort of healthy inspiration every day.

I also love shopping and bargains.  People who know me call me the coupon Princess (my mom is the coupon queen).  Together we shop til we drop and get some amazing sales and deals with coupons. 

So I guess that's where the title for this blog came in a bit; I want to try and pass on happy and inspiration things be it a great recipe, a funny story, a healthy inspiration photo or a great bargain.


  1. Even though I spend every day with you, I still can't wait to see what you write!

  2. haha i like you already!! shopping and coupons, if you're the princess i must be your cousin or something! ;) i'm adding you on here, i'm reena711 from the WW boards that posted asking about who has blogs earlier.
