Friday, November 12, 2010

Adventures in Bento

So I'd been looking up Bento boxes and accessories all over the internet but was a bit dismayed at cost or shipping, and was unable to find any stores around me that sold anything.  Then I realized that I didnt need to find stuff meant specifically for Bento.  I went to Cost Plus World Market and got several shapes and sizes of silicone baking cups (way more quantity and way less cost compared to the silicone cups you find for Bento anywhere else).  I also found a stainless steel "Tinder Box" in the Indian food section and fell in love since I'm tying not to buy any new plastic products unless they are BPA free (and almost all Bento boxes are NOT BPA free unfortunately).

Here is everything together, including some cute little tart pans.

The piece comes apart into two separate compartments for food with a very tight fitting lid.

I got these cute flowers, little stars and miniature green ones.  There are tons more too.

My very first Bento lunch!  Nothing super fancy but I was pretty proud of it.

I took this lunch to school with today and I was very impressed with the container.  Nothing really moved, the lid had a tight seal and the stainless steel really kept the wrap and apple so very fresh.


  1. wooow! Looks delicious! And those containers are uber cute. Good idea :)

  2. I'm def. going to have to go looking around. I'm on the no BPA kick myself and it's hard to find things that don't contain it, but if you did then so can I lol.

  3. Yeah it was a little more time consuming since there are tons of options that arent BPA free but I felt like it was worth it and in the end I didnt even spend more money.
